COVID-19 lockdown
COVID-19 Lockdown
Please read the following notification from Independent Schools Queensland (ISQ) CEO, Mr. Christopher Mountfourd, regarding the latest COVID-19 snap-lockdown. This was circulated to CMS among other small schools in Queensland.
As you will be aware, the Queensland Government has announced a 3-day lockdown from 6pm Tuesday 29 June 2021 to 6pm Friday 2 July 2021 for South East Queensland, Townsville (including Magnetic Island) and Palm Island.
Given it is school holidays most schools will not be significantly affected by this 3-day lockdown. As with the similar lockdown earlier in the year, all Early Childhood Education services and Outside School Hours Care services including vacation care, currently operating can remain open. Of course those that are operating will need to do so in accordance with COVID-safe checklists. In line with the directive from the Premier, it is advisable to encourage those who are able to stay home to do so.
I have attached Queensland’s COVID Safe Future – the official information from the Queensland Government regarding restrictions for South East Queensland including information about wearing masks for the next two weeks up to Tuesday 13 July.
Please be guided by Queensland Health advice –
ISQ will be working from home during this period and all staff are available as usual.
I will provide further advice as it is received.
Christopher Mountford
CEO – Independent Schools Queensland
We thank you for your attention to this and look forward to coming together as a strong Montessori community to benefit our children.