After CMS…what then?
“The future belongs to those who believe
in the beauty of their own dreams.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt
After CMS…what happens then?
Many parents wonder ‘After CMS…what then?’ and ask with concern. Demands on student aptitudes today are many. They must have content knowledge, they need to be great thinkers and creative learners. Our students must be able to cooperate and collaborate, they must be flexible and yet have clear ideas as entrepreneurs.
We are confident that our CMS alumni will achieve what they set their minds to.
The Caboolture Montessori School (CMS) has been addressing the above challenges and qualities for many years and our students demonstrate this by performing highly in secondary contexts after they leave the primary environment at CMS.
Our Alumni students surpass our expectations
Our students are encouraged to become independent, responsible, caring and willing to share their talents with others, character traits that are desirable in any environment. Our students are taught strategies on managing independently their work and on extending their interests; these skills foster motivation, engagement and long term learning strategies.
Students at CMS participate in a variety of classroom activities that provide true life skilling: care for community gardens; entrepreneurship by creating services or products to sell and by caring for animals in a business context; community service, supporting residents at a dementia unit; managing and running school events. There is an expectation that older students will help younger ones with academic work. All these capabilities are building their leadership and real life understanding.
Students at CMS become confident individuals and they love exploring their own strengths whilst attending to challenges encountered on the way. They are realists with a great positive mind set. These students are going to feel comfortable in whatever world they are preparing to face and they will become impressive citizens in so many ways.
Hence, the question: “Where to after primary schooling at CMS?” It has been demonstrated by the CMS alumni for many years that they will cope with any environment and flourish.
Once our primary program extends to a CMS secondary environment, the question will no longer be asked.
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it
living someone else’s life.”
Steve Jobs