Walk To School Day
Walk to School Day
A group of students and parents chose to walk to school today. The parent’s comment was the chatting that happened among the children during the walk/run was: “Such wise stories!” Such great observation from our parents, and such a Montessori thing to do. It would be interesting to see how the early walk impacted on their work and behaviour today. If only we could measure the impact ourselves.
We know that children benefit from physical activity and when we add to this camaraderie, some independence mixed with a dash of self-awareness, we get magical results. The children describe this type of event as FUN. They know what’s good for them.
We understand that time is poor and not many parents live in close proximity to school to enable a walk to school, however making time to stop our hurriedness and partake in occasional outdoor activities, reminds us all that we have a wonderful planet and we are part of it. As Maria Montessori said, children need to be in nature and experience sensorially: both body and mind meet and grow. We talk about caring for our environment and this can only happen if we know and love our environment.
That’s why a walk to school is perfect.